Summary: The lads discuss their "Muffin Punching Moments." And that means those really fucked up things you think about doing but almost never do....almost. ***Don’t forget you
Summary: The lads opening up Semester 13 with a "Bringing it Back" while trying to recover from a Semester 12 hang-over! Also our new charity is
Summary: The lads wrap up Semester 12 in the same fashion they always going over all the listener submitted content! And it's pretty fucking awesome!
Summary: The lads and certain ghost... talk about and share interviews with all the awesome peeps at Coast Con, this year they celebrated 41st convention! Listen
Summary: The lads discuss Life Hacks, the good ones and the sh*t ones... ***Don’t forget you can call and leave a message swearing up a shit storm
Summary: The lads interview a return guest...Project Pat! ***Don’t forget you can call and leave a message swearing up a shit storm for the foul-mouthed philanthropists! Calls
Summary: The lads are back from break with a Special Guest, Blake Simeon of Bonus Level Development! Listen in and find out what goes down! ***Don’t forget
Summary: The lads get ready for their semester break by doing their normal semester break thing...The Watch Your Mouth Zombie Game!! ***Don't forget you can call and
Summary: The lads talk about Valentine's Day and all that is good about this holiday (A first, we know)! Listen in and comment on our stories
Summary: The lads talk about run-ins with the LAW! Who knows what these guys get into!?!? Listen and check it out! ***Don’t forget you can call and
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