
EPISODE 95 – Zombie Game!
August 25, 2017 • No Comments

Summary: The lads head into the midterm break with a new round of the Zombie Game! This semester we hope to get more entries from you,

EPISODE 94 – Doctor Visits!
August 17, 2017 • No Comments

Summary: The lads hang around in the Doctor's waiting room reading old magazines, avoiding that one person who can't stop coughing, and discuss some of their

EPISODE 93 – Revisiting Embarrassing Stories
August 10, 2017 • No Comments

Summary: The lads revisit some more of their most embarrassing stories. Apparently Critter has some issues with locked doors. Listen to the show, you'll see what

EPISODE 92 – Movie / TV Tropes
August 03, 2017 • No Comments

Summary: The lads talk about some of the most annoying tropes in movies and television. ***Countdown to Episode 100 is in full swing! Don't forget to call